Chloe Radcliffe has launched a new interview series titled “In Tandem,” in which she takes comics such as Roy Wood Jr., Jordan Jensen and James Acaster on bicycle rides through Central Park and along the Los Angeles River.
“It’s like ‘Comedians in Cars’ for less successful people,” Radcliffe jokes, in reference to Jerry Seinfeld’s coffee and automobile-themed talk series that has featured the likes of Will Ferrell, Tina Fey and Barack Obama.
Radcliffe, who starred in Steven Soderbergh’s “Command Z” and is currently touring with her one-woman show “Cheat,” describes “In Tandem,” which launched Nov. 27 with first guest Ralph Barbosa, as a “cheery, awkward and funny interview series that never breaks 10 miles per hour.”
“Because we aren’t making eye contact, I think people can relax a little bit,” Radcliffe tells Variety. “And because they have something physical to focus on, it’s easier for people to let their guard down.”
Popular on Variety In the first episode, she says, Barbosa recounted childhood memories that he hadn’t considered for years. “That is the power of the tandem!”
Chloe Radcliffe “Always a good idea to add physical exertion into any interview,” said Wood in a statement. “There’s something that happens to you when you ride a bike that makes everything a little lighter, more fun and more carefree … even when we get into more difficult topics.”
Radcliffe says biking around the city is her favorite part of living in New York, so the concept for an interview series came naturally. She had the tandem rigged with cameras at her local bike shop in Bushwick, and she wears a GoPro chest harness backwards to capture her guest from up close.
“In Tandem” is produced by Turtle Canyon Comedy. Additional episodes will be released on YouTube on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. ET.
Watch the first episode with Barbosa below.