Former Netflix producer Dimpy Agrawal’s production banner Gubbara Entertainment has unveiled a slate of six features at India’s Film Bazaar, including a project starring Anasuya Sengupta, who made history as the first Indian actor to win best performance at Cannes’ Un Certain Regard for “The Shameless.”
Sengupta will headline “Ma,” penned by Columbia University MFA graduate Riddhi Talreja (“Sadak Chaap”), examining women’s identity and motherhood in contemporary Indian society. The project has attached cinematographer Amal Sudhakaran, whose work has appeared on Netflix, Amazon, and Discovery, with one credit gaining Emmy recognition.
The slate includes “Puthussery Police Case” from writer-director Nithin Lukose, whose debut “Paka: River of Blood” premiered at Toronto in 2021. The Kerala-set drama follows a lawyer investigating his father’s death against the backdrop of a tiger threatening a rural village.
“Ummeed,” a psychological horror exploring same-sex relationships and fertility in Delhi, comes from “Pari” and “Pataal Lok” writer Abhishek Banerjee. Ambiecka Pandit is in talks to direct.
Popular on Variety Venice Film Festival alumna Sushma Khadepaun brings “Anita,” based on her award-winning short of the same name, which screened at Venice in 2020. The India-U.S. co-production follows an Indian woman’s pursuit of independence through an arranged marriage in America.
Banerjee is also adapting journalist Puja Changoiwala’s book “Gangster on the Run,” about a former criminal who becomes an ultra-marathoner, co-producing with Rohit Ved Prakash and Kanchan Marathe.
Rounding out the slate is “Red Market,” based on Scott Carney’s book investigating human trafficking and organ trade, set up as a co-production with Criss Cross Content and Jugaad Motion Pictures.
Gubbara unveiled a $1 million script development fund aimed at empowering Indian feature filmmakers at the Cannes Film Festival’s market earlier this year.
“Our focus has been on development—telling stories that challenge belief systems, engage emotionally, and drive meaningful impact,” Agrawal said. “We’re fostering global connections through international co-productions and meaningful collaborations. By building bridges between cultures and pushing creative boundaries, we hope to redefine storytelling on a global stage.”
The company’s debut short film “Chashma” is currently playing on the festival circuit, while several additional projects are in early development stages.
Film Bazaar (Nov. 20-24) is the market component of the International Film Festival of India (IFFI, Nov. 20-28) in Goa.