Logo text Disney and Lucasfilm have revealed that animated anthology series Star Wars: Visions is coming back for a third volume in 2025. The news was announced on the first day of Disney’s two-day Content Showcase event in Singapore. Volume three of Visions will return to Japan, with 9 new animated shorts from anime studios in the country. The Japanese studios involved include David Production, Kamikaze Douga+ ANIMA, Kinema Citrus, Polygon Pictures, Production I.G, Project Studio Q, TRIGGER and WIT Studio. When it debuted in 2021, Visions was a bold creative choice by Lucasfilm as it was a collection of non-canon animated shorts created by different Japanese animation studios and featuring different animation styles. The lack of restrictions led to wildly imaginative interpretations of the Star Wars mythos that proved incredibly popular with fans and critics alike. The first volume of Visions debuted on Disney+ in September 2021. The season included 9 episodes with work from Japanese animation studios Kamikaze Douga, Studio Colorido, Geno Studio, Trigger, Kinema Citrus, Production I.G. and Science Saru. Volume one was met with near universal acclaim from critics, and it enjoys a 98 percent critics score on Rotten Tomatoes and 81 percent on Metacritic. Volume two of Visions was released on Disney+ in May 2023, with episodes featuring work from a more international group of international studios, including Aardman (U.K.), El Guiri (Spain), Cartoon Saloon (Ireland), Punkrobot (Chile), Studio Mir (South Korea), Studio La Cachette (France), 88 Pictures (India), D’art Shtajio (Japan) along with Lucasfilm (U.S.), and Triggerfish (South Africa/Ireland). Volume two was likewise a huge hit with critics, with it scoring a perfect 100 percent on Rotten Tomatoes and 88 percent on Metacritic. ‘Star Wars: Visions’ Courtesy of Disney+ THR Newsletters Sign up for THR news straight to your inbox every day Subscribe Sign Up